Pink Garden Roses
Pink Garden Roses
Luna Flowers Shop delivers some of the most delicious smelling and delicate pink garden roses in Chicago, so that the person who receives such a bouquet will be delighted in a way that will be remembered for a long time.
Chicago delivery or Pickup of the bouquet is possible on the day of the order.
Pink Garden Roses are something insanely delicate, delicious smelling, fall in love at first sight, but also require good care: cold temperatures in the room, plenty of water in the vase, trimmed stems immediately after receiving the bouquet and every day thereafter. Do not leave flowers in direct sunlight.
Do you really love flowers?
Do you really love flowers?
Hey! Are you a flower lover? Silly question — you wouldn’t be here if you weren’t! As all flower-lovers know, flowers make the best gifts, are the sweetest form of self-care, and add that magic little something to any space. That’s why we started the Wild Flower Club! A place for you to get flowers regularly and at a discount. Check it there: